What audio ad opportunities are t在这里 in gaming?

贴在 2022年5月31日星期二 | IAB英国

AdTonos, AudioMob, DAX全球, Odeeo, NumberEight和Spotify解释了如何利用音频将游戏广告提升到一个新的水平

As part of The Drum’s Deep Dive into gaming advertising, a selection of IAB英国 members – including AdTonos, AudioMob, DAX全球, Odeeo, NumberEight和Spotify——探索游戏内置音频广告的潜力. You can find the original version of the article 在这里 and unabridged versions of the comments below.


Paul Cranwell, VP of Strategic Partnerships, AdTonos 

When was the last time your job really excited you? 对我来说,就是现在. Audio is having a revolution and none-more so than in 移动 gaming. 对营销人员, 特别是, 它为新受众和目标受众打开了大门——包括难以接触到的受众,如Z世代, 千禧一代和50多岁的人. App Annie预测3.到2023年,全球将有20亿人在手机上玩游戏,随着越来越多的发行商将音频与视频结合起来,我们预计音频广告将在未来两年继续爆炸式增长.  

音频广告提供了高响应水平——增加了用户体验,并且不会打断游戏. 随着像我们这样的公司推出新的定位功能和声控响应技术,新的创新也在发挥重要作用.

Radio has for years been the dominant audio player, 但游戏将开始挑战这一地位,并吸引新的广告品牌. 对我来说, 游戏加速了音频可靠的品牌安全优势和声誉,并有助于将其定位为视频的完美替代品和补充.


Sally Keane, Head of Enterprise Sales, Northern Europe, Spotify

The huge potential to create immersive, 与用户产生深刻共鸣的内容是游戏内置音频广告如此令人兴奋的原因. With game consoles now the main media and entertainment system for many people, console streaming rates are continuing to increase on Spotify. Music and 播客 have become an integral part of the gaming experience, and users are turning in droves to the personalisation of the experience. 

Spotify最近成为 first music-streaming brand to have a presence in Roblox 这是一个虚拟世界,用户可以在这里创建和玩游戏,并与朋友分享体验, 是什么打开了玩家与音频流互动的大门. 这将允许艺人与粉丝联系,并与Spotify合作创造游戏内的虚拟商品. 第一个主题体验即将在K-Park推出,向所有K-Pop致敬. 

As the video game industry continues to grow at a breakneck speed, t在这里’s enormous potential for brands to reach this leaned-in, 细心的观众. The gaming audience is no longer ‘niche’, 它涵盖了广泛的兴趣和亲和力,允许品牌从整个时尚, 食物, and sports worlds to partner with specific games like Fortnite and Animal Crossing to tap into their target audiences with relevant content. At the same, gaming is no longer just for the younger generations. 35岁以上的成年人 稳步上升 their monthly game console streaming time, 这意味着品牌需要重新考虑是否依赖传统渠道来接触这一群体,并开始将边玩游戏边流媒体这一时刻纳入其数字营销计划.


Christian Facey,创始人 & 首席执行官AudioMob

Audio has always been tremendously important in games, and not just in terms of all the work it does to set tone or atmosp在这里. It excels in anchoring players in digital spaces, making those places feel more immersive and even tangible.

 今天,音频与用户深度联系的核心能力仍然是其最强大的力量. 技术的进步仅仅意味着我们现在可以用这种力量做更多的事情——看看受彩乐园dsn的 artists like Ariana Grande performing concerts in Fortnite as a captivating example of what’s now possible. 同样, audio excels in cutting through today’s visually cluttered world, deftly grabbing attention without intruding on gaming experiences.

So whatever form the metaverse does take, 音频不仅是给玩家一种存在感和方向感的关键,它还能让品牌, 内容创造者, broadcasters and more connect with vast audiences. 在其他地方, 随着越来越多的游戏跨越主机平台, 移动, PC, VR和AR变得持久, 连接的空间, 我们会看到更多的音乐家, 标签, 播客, advertisers and broadcasters use audio find and engage new audiences.

本质上, audio now provides a direct channel into the heart of video games, 哪里可以毫不费力, 有效地参与 the 3 billion people that play games today. And as big tech starts to pour ever more money into gaming – see 微软的68美元.70亿美元收购动视 – the opportunity is only going to grow.


Emma Raz, Director of Commercial, NumberEight 

Audio-in-game refers to showing audio ads inside 移动 games. 游戏中的音频之所以如此令人兴奋,是因为它结合了两种截然不同的内容类型——音频和游戏,这两种内容都以长时间的会话而闻名。每个用户15-23分钟). Not unlike audio, gaming has very engaged audiences. 

传统上,游戏一直在努力在展示足够多的广告以实现有效盈利与不疏远玩家之间取得平衡. 音频广告提供了一个独特的机会,可以在不干扰实际玩法的情况下添加更多广告位置. Innovative start ups such as  AudioMob, Odeeo, AdTonos, and even established players such as TargetSpot, are making strides to bring this technology to advertisers.

As with any exciting innovation, some challenges lie ahead. 例如, 传统上,音频广告商一直是基于人物角色或功能来定位用户,比如在与上下文相关的时刻定位用户. However, game developers often don’t collect such granular data. 

NumberEight与音频游戏提供商合作,提供隐私优先的上下文数据,帮助音频广告商更好地了解谁在玩游戏. In the latest research conducted by NumberEight on three 移动 games, contextual data showed that t在这里 were 36% desk jobbers, 35%被打断的员工, 26%车辆使用者, 21%是宅男,20%是夜猫子.


Mark Halliday, Director of DAX全球

手机游戏规模巨大. 内务部说差不多 5个人中有2个人 (38%) play a game on their phone every day and it’s on the rise, jumping 29% in the past two years alone. And it’s all sorts of games - Candy Crush, 《彩乐园dsn》, 数独游戏,甚至是最近风靡全球的世界游戏,产生了数百种类似的游戏. 这些高度参与的受众对广告也非常开放,大多数(63%)表示他们 are willing to accept ads in exchange for a free game 

So why are we excited about in-game audio advertising? 它为广告商提供了新的机会,以新的、创造性的方式接触到广泛的受众. 游戏内置音频广告也与其他手机广告形式非常不同——它们是非侵入性的,允许玩家在不干扰游戏玩法的情况下同时玩和听.  

在环球, 通过DAX(我们的彩乐园dsn交易所), we know that we can connect brands with audiences at scale across all audio. Mobile gaming is next on the horizon and we’re ready for this innovation.


Amit Monheit,联合创始人 & odeo的首席执行官

游戏内置音频广告将为世界各地的品牌创造公平的竞争环境. 游戏产业,尤其是手机游戏,是一个巨大的市场, hitting over 3 billion players worldwide. But the advertising on it is mostly dominated by other 移动 games. 因此,对于大型企业——典型的《dsn彩乐园网址》500强企业——来说,这是一个真正的机会,它们最终可以进入这个领域,并在新客户面前崭露头角. 根据Facebook games的说法,品牌能够接触到的不仅仅是玩家的刻板形象, 48% of the world’s 移动 gamers specifically are female and, while 16 to 24-year-olds are most likely to game, nearly a third of people that play 移动 games are over the age of 45. This is a massive opportunity for brands.

Large organisations already know how to create audio adverts that work. 自从收音机问世以来, 各大品牌一直在玩弄媒体,制作极具创意的广告. This is their ballpark: they know the rules, they know the techniques and they’ve already got the assets. They could even easily repurpose their content and give it new life.

但不止于此. Because it’s a game, you know so much more about the potential listener. 所以你可以比其他数字音频渠道更有效地定位你的广告. 你可以两全其美. 所有这些都不会妨碍真正的游戏,这也让玩家更快乐. 这真是太令人兴奋了.





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